1 Peter 2:11-12 Part 2
Having, in the Greek, emphasizes action going on steadily.
Honest is from the Greek word that means good. There are two meanings for this word: 1) inner intrinsic goodness, 2) outer goodness, meaning the _expression of the inner goodness as seen by the eye. “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep”, John 10:11. Sheep know the shepherd, not by what is in the shepherd’s heart, but by what it can see of the shepherd. Peter uses this same meaning, it is the beauty and fragrance of the Christian’s life which the unsaved see, and not what is in their hearts.
The bible they read is your life, your conduct!
The word holding means viewing. By viewing your lifestyle they might be led to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, being attracted to him by your Christ like life. That is deep! We can lead people to Jesus by allowing them to see Christ in us by the way we live our lives, the way we respond to situations and the circumstances of life.
Visitation translated from the Greek means overseer, (Acts 20:28), Bishop (1 Timothy 3:1). Visitest (Hebrews 2:6) refers to the act of overseeing the spiritual welfare of another. Peter is referring to the time when God will be the overseer of their souls, when they, the unsaved, accept Jesus.
Though the unsaved may speak of your good work as evil, continue to do good, live a lifestyle that is honest among the gentiles, so that when they are won over they will glorify God and He, God, can be the overseer of their soul, when they finally accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
So, we have a great responsibility. We may not be pulpit preachers, teachers, or evangelists in the strictest sense of the word; nevertheless, we have the ability as well as the opportunity to lead others to the one we love so much. Simply by living and allowing the world to see the expression of our inner goodness through a lifestyle that is pleasing to God, we then give Him the opportunity to draw them to his son Jesus Christ.
Your sister in Christ Jesus,