“A Message to the Overcomer” is a collection of messages originally written for a weekly e-mail ministry. The intent of each message is to encourage Christians to experience a deeper life in Christ. Each message offers a practical approach to overcoming life’s issues.
The book has six categories and they include principles to live by, Christian living, old and new, salvation and exhortation. The first category is the introduction and it gives the reader a scriptural reference for the overcoming message. The purpose of the book is to share with the body of Christ the practical application of God’s word. As they apply the word in their lives they will begin experiencing the overcoming life.
“My desire is to see God’s people grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray God will open up the eyes of your understanding as you enter into the world of the overcomer”.
Author Profile
Rosita Dozier’s life changed August 7, 1981 when she gave her life to Christ. That event set her life on a path of studying and learning all that she could about God and his son the Lord Jesus Christ.
The first six years were set aside for intensive spiritual training, which included learning how to pray, how to study the scripture, outreach, teaching and full time ministry. The overall focus of the training was to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. Thus living the overcoming life is more than a concept to Rosita, it is a way of life.
Teaching women is her top priority, and she has conducted bible studies for over twenty years. She’s written articles for church newsletters, helped pastors put oral messages into print and edited several books. She writes often and looks forward to writing many more books to the glory of God.
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